Troubleshooting Guide

If these steps don’t address your issue, you can always reach us at

Web Application

Doesn’t Load

If the web application isn’t loading in full or in part, or is loading unusually slowly, try following these steps.

  1. Use a Chromium-based browser.


    LoUPE supports Chromium-based browsers like Chrome, Chromium, and Edge. Although the application may appear to work in other browsers, its functionality is only fully tested with browsers that are based on Chromium.

  2. Try accessing the application from an Incognito Window.


    From your browser’s menu, click “New Incognito Window” or press Ctrl + Shift + N.


    Incognito Mode will make sure that a cached version of the application isn’t being used, and that browser extensions (like ad-blockers) aren’t interfering. If you have enabled any browser extensions in Incognito Mode and are still experiencing issues, try disabling them temporarily.

  3. Disable VPNs or Proxies.


    VPNs or Proxies can have unintended consequences on your connection to LoUPE. If you’re experiencing issues, try accessing the application without them.

  4. Check your internet connection speed. Latencies above 200ms could cause issues with the stability of the application.


    You can use this free tool to test your connection to our data center.


    LoUPE is hosted on AWS in North America (us-east-1) and high latencies from other parts of the world or unreliable internet connections can cause extremely slow page loads, or requests to timeout.


    We are working to make LoUPE available for hosting in more regions.

Can’t Login

If you can’t log in to the web application, try following these steps:

  1. Make sure that you’re using your loupe username and not your email address.
  2. Try resetting your password using the “Forgot Password” link on the login page.

Asset Manager

Can’t Login

  1. If the Asset Manager in Blender or Maya is saying that it’s “Unable to login with the given credentials”, ensure that you’re using the complete URL to your LoUPE instance including https:// at the start, and specifying the port by adding :4500 at the end. A complete URL will look like:


    The Asset Managers require an encrypted connection for data transfer (https://), and are built with the open-source Client API which makes calls to port 4500.